How Human systems dynamics (HSD) Institute is using Spryng to diagnose organizational culture

We work with foundations, businesses, governments, individuals, and communities across sectors and around the world. They all have one thing in common: They are trying to make sense of their experience in this time of radical and unpredictable change. They need to see what is happening quickly and clearly. They need to find pointers and patterns in the data they collect. They need to come to shared understanding and action to influence change as it happens. 

The worlds of professional facilitation, organization development, strategy, and leadership have innumerable tools for sensemaking and action taking. Some work with small groups or teams, and some are designed to capture the stories of whole organizations or communities. In less turbulent times, those are enough to make sense and support decision making for people in all parts and at all levels of responsibility. 

They face problems, though, when change is fast and unpredictable. Individual intelligence gets lost in the noise of rapid and radical change. System-wide messages lose their focus as they percolate down the ranks of an organization. The minority voices are squelched, even when they might carry essential sparks for the future.  The loudest voice and the squeakiest wheel get all the attention, and there is no easy pathway to effective sensemaking for the whole that is also relevant for the parts. 

That’s where Spryng comes in. 

This powerful tool captures stories and reflections of individuals and aggregates them into patterns for the whole. The simple visualization and analysis techniques allow sense-makers to zoom in to see local situations and zoom out to get a sense of the whole. You might use this approach to:

  • Diagnose organizational culture
  • Explore patterns of engagement across a workforce
  • Test market a solution either internally or externally
  • Support strategic foresight processes
  • Collect product requirements
  • Evaluate the progress of a change initiative
  • Gauge attitudes toward race, ethics, relationships, quality, or other patterns that are significant contributors to success

We work with patterns across the whole range of human systems, and Spryng is the best platform we’ve found to make meaning and find shared understanding for indivduals and groups of all kinds. 

Contact us to learn more how Spryng can help you capture stories